It's hard to stick to reality when your mind keeps playing old movies and puts you in a time machine. It's hard to remember where you are. It's so easy to forget to pay attention. I work really hard on staying present as I feel that I have a very weak mind sometimes, or at least a very loud one. My mind is petty too. It doesn't like to forgive. It's dramatic. It likes to cling to high emotion. It's a warrior. It always wants to be right. It always wants to win. It's also a victim. It feels life is unfair. But I know these are not truths. Today I learned to ask myself what purpose does this hold? What is the use of this thinking at this moment? It made me dissect the movie reel.
Maybe I'm still grieving over all the loss I've experienced in my life. I'm unable to let go of all the things I've done wrong or others have done wrong. Trauma comes in so many forms. Actions at first. Their remains become the horror movies of our subconscious. The past cannot be undone no matter how often My brain replays it. The pain, the lessons will always be there. All I can do is look at where I am now. All I can do is try and learn my lesson. All I can do is be grateful for what I still have. I know that what remains are still little and big gifts. Life is way bigger those little stories. And I must see the beauty of what I have now before I realize they too have gone to dust while I was unconscious. Living in the past is no way to live. I'm grateful for this lesson today. I'm grateful for bring the witness off thoughts.
Who was it that said "when in darkness just lighten up!". Was it Brene Brown or Rhonda Brynes? Whoever it was I owe them a thanks. For those times I am clouded in a darkness I can't even see for myself I must remember the key is to lighten myself up. And that light will help me remain present... For a little longer at least.