Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Something good today...

Lots of good things happened today. It was a very successful day. However something very funny happened to me at the grocery store today. I was checking out some grapefruit when some man came by and starting checking out grapefruit too. We were both feeling the fruit and he said that it's tricky choosing grapefruit. I told him I just look for grapefruit with shiny smooth skin and feels kinda juicy. He told me he thought the juicy feeling ones were just about to go bad. Then he handed me a fruit he had in his hand and said, "here, feel my fruit". There was an awkward silent moment and we both chuckled a little bit. Lol. Of course I felt his fruit and he said he would buy two different types of grapefruit and test out his theories at home. I wished him luck on his fruit. I still chuckle thinking of that moment. It was pretty funny. Reminded me of dipping donuts in sauce... Another awkward chuckling moment I had with some one else once.

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