Monday, July 29, 2013

So many fruits!!!

A couple of weeks ago I discovered a tree by Main Street that was full of figs. I love figs and this was very exciting news to me. The figs weren't quite ripe so I decided to come back sometime later to pick some fruit. I went back this weekend but unfortunately most of the fruits within reach were still too young. I will have to go back again in a couple of weeks when they should all be ripe. I did pick some to bring home though as I heard you can leave them in a sunny window and sometimes they will ripen. This was not the case for my figs. Now I have a bunch of figs that will never ripen and I feel bad that I took them. I will have to do something with them.

I lay under the tree for a considerable amount of time. It's also a nice little picnic spot. The tree is quite low and the leaves are extremely large. It feels very private and peaceful. All that green is very calming. It's a very pleasing color. I love seeing rays of light coming through leaves and I love seeing translucent glow. It's only during summer time that we can enjoy things like this. We should really take advantage of it. I think I heard on the radio today that we have had 33 days of sunshine. We are so lucky!

While I was sitting under the tree a lady was picking fruit with a light bulb changer. She was having a wine and cheese party that night and she was going to serve some figs to go along with it. She knew what she was doing and gave me some tips for picking figs. I think it's so cool that people pick fruit from the local park to eat at home. I wish that was more common. She was nice enough to get me a ripe fruit from the top to try. 

There was also a crab apple tree near by. I picked a couple and ate one or two. They are soooo sour.

In addition to this, my friend came over today and brought some fresh blackberries he picked from his neighborhood. They are very sour as well and I have a lot of them. I also have some pears from the backyard. I think tomorrow I am going to make a dessert with all these fruits. It will be like having a Chopped dessert round. Hmm... so fun. I don't know what I am going to make but I will update with a picture after a make it. I hope it tastes good!!!

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