Today I accomplished all the things I needed to do.
1) I set my intention for the day. I wanted to have happy interactions with people and have a feeling of peace. I wanted to give love and receive love.
2) I wanted to do everything on my to do list... go to work... go to my second job... head to the gym... go to the steam room... I did all that! w00t! I as this close to cancelling on my second job today and bailing on the gym but I'm so glad I didn't. I got a burst of energy from it. Feels great. I feel I am on the way to a better lifestyle. I love the feeling of being in the steam room. It's a strong reward for me. Usually when I'm on a roll with the gym I stick to it for a while and I get that feeling again. I need to keep it in mind.
And I think maybe setting my intention for the day is something I should try and remember to do everyday. Why not wake up everyday with a intention of how your day will go.
If you don't know what it means to set your intention of the day it's very simple. Before you go on in your day, sit in silence, and think about what you want your day to look like. More importantly, think about how you will give that day. Why give? It's something within our control and it's generates good feelings. Do not imagine your boss telling you that you did a great job or the man of your dreams showing up at your door. You can't control people with your intentions. Instead, try to visualize positive interactions, feelings and overall what you will do to make your day successful and go out your door with that positive energy instead of the morning drabby debbie downer feelings that we usually get on gloomy cold mornings.
I think it worked for me today. Today I reached out to someone from my past with good intentions. I haven't heard back from him and I don't think I will but that's ok. I got something back today. I met three random people and had three random conversations. There is enough goodness to go around. You should just give and someone will give it back to you. It might not be from the person you want it from, but maybe that is how it's supposed to be.
They say that once people let go of things that hold them back... three new things will come into replace it. Things can only come to you if there is room for them. So set your intentions and get rid of all the junky feelings you have. Replace them with something new. Renewal.
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