I've been working on a couple of projects these last couple of days. The next couple of posts will be tutorials on said projects. I've had a lot of time since I've been home sick. Normally when I'm home sick, even if I feel terrible, I can't stand doing nothing. So this time around I spent my time cooking and gardening. I leave the house an hour or two a day to get fresh air but I can't be out for more than that. However, we have been blessed with good weather until today. So the plants and the weather was really a motivating force behind my projects.
Flowers are blooming everywhere right now so I picked some flowers from my backyard to brighten up the house. Looking at the pretty flowers in my house took the gloom of illness away each time so I decided it was time to go the extra mile. Ideas were floating throughout my head about herbs so I made an indoor herb garden (hope it works out). I also vamped up some of my terrariums. I would call it cray cray spring fever. It kept me busy and my mind focused and positive. Yay for plants!
Here is my windowsill herb garden. I just used old pots and mason jars that were lying around. I collect glass jars so I had plenty.
There are some creepers in those vases and bowls. Creepers are usually outdoor plants that carpet the ground around other plants but I imagined them to look really nice forming a small carpet in a small space, maybe even creeping out a little. They have pink and blue flowers. I will take a photo to update the growth in a couple of months. If they grow well in such conditions I will try putting some in a terrarium one day.
The 3 pots in the middle are herbs. I chose rosemary, mint and basil as I use those the most. Can you see a vintage pyrex coffee pot? I cracked that last year but have been reluctant to throw it away because it has such a pretty design and is hard to find. Now I have the perfect use for it! That coffee pot is holding the pink creeper.
Here is a look at a tabletop display I have going on. I have an airplant terrarium in the middle. I didn't do anything except add a touch of color from clippings of a purple flowering bush. I like the addition as my airplant bowl never has any color other than green. You can see the rest of the purple bush in my sea urchin vase. In the first vase I have random plants from the backyard arranged with a metal flower frog.
I revamped and repotted my succulent gardens. I love the new succulents I added. I use to have a layer of spagnum moss in the bottom to absorb extra water but I took it out as it absorbed too much water making the soil too dry. Maybe this time the succulents be a little happier. I also put them by a sunnier window. Succulents need very dry soil but I noticed at the plant shop the soil that the succulents came with was quite moist.
Lastly, this vase is filled with flowers collected from my backyard. I love the combo. They look and smell so wonderful. They have quite the romantic feel to them. I used a glass flower frog to arrange these flowers. The upcoming post is one on how to use flower frogs to arrange flowers. I will also write a tutorial on hollowing out a light bulb. These projects were my saving grace for the last three days. Hope you enjoy!
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