Thursday, October 16, 2014

Little Loving Intentions: A request. Make an intention for global change.

There are so many things I want for myself. I have asked the Universe over and over again for these things to be delivered but I have not received all of them yet. Recently, when I sit and think about my wants I start to feel resentment.  Resentment leads to ungratefulness and I know I shouldn’t feel that way but it is there. It lingers like a dark passenger and I work hard at ignoring it.  Some people believe that asking the Universe for things is the easy way out and completely wacko but I truly believe that you get what you ask for. I believe in it because I have experienced receiving the gifts in the past too many times to ignore it. However, the things I want the most elude me. I find myself asking all the time now, what is keeping me from receiving the gift I want the most? Intent has brought me so many things why can’t it give me …. (fill in the blank)?

Well, I feel extremely selfish. As I watched the news about the scare of the Ebola virus today  something occurred to me. I am so incredibly lucky and have been all my life. With gratitude, all I should ask for is that my life will continue to be blessed with the warmth and safety I have right now. What I want are 1st world wants and 1st world needs. I had won the jackpot when I was born in Canada to a loving family. Anything else on top of that is a bonus.  I should be forever grateful for those bonuses. They are the rainbow to a beautiful day.

In other places of this world, survival is a want. Many people don’t get comfort or love. They don’t get a home and food in their belly. Their daily lives are riddled with fear and threats from every corner. When we complain about being tired from work, someone else in the world has never even had a day off. Those that are in the midst of true helplessness still smile and still find things they can be grateful for. Here in the West, most of us already have everything we need to be fulfilled. Yet, we want more all the time. We are a collective mind of take and very little of give. What kind of energy are we sending out into this world.  I hope we start to wake up and learn to appreciate everything now. What a waste it would be if time were to pass and we didn’t realize that we were already given one of the greatest gifts on Earth. What is this gift? The gift of being able to make a difference. 

The world is shrinking. The  discomfort and fears I experience from seeing what is unfolding before us is probably just a small percentage of what others in the world feel. Globalization, with travel and media has certainly changed this world. It has opened up so many realities. We are ONE world. There is terrorism highlighted daily from across the world. And from across the world terrorism can touch us. Diseases, like Ebola, which were foreign viruses that couldn't affect us, have now crossed oceans.  There is also global climate change affecting all citizens of this planet. This is everyday life as we know it now. We are on the brink of an evolutionary change. Yet some of us are still ingrained with concerns of the latest celebrity gossip or government scandal. We are still overly concerned about our own  needs.  We are generating huge amounts of energy but in what direction is this energy spinning the Earth? 

We have accomplished so much with technology. We have learned so much about animal and human behaviour. We know more facts than we have ever known in history. At the same time, something has been lost. Yesterday a friend told me a story about a rich man in Vancouver. He had immigrated here when he was 18 from China. They had recently named a building in UBC after him for all his contributions and accomplishments. He told a story during his speech about remembering a day in the village when everyone had passed a bucket around. Each, with very little money of their own, contributed some money into that basket so he could come to Canada and make a better life for himself. A totally unselfish community act. The villagers knew that money would give him a chance. They knew they would lose their hard earned cash but they all did it.  Because of this loving act of many, this man was able to have a different life. He was able to have a better education. He was able to have liberties and freedoms. He still sends money back to his village every month. How many communities in North America would ever do the same? We are already the richest people in the world. We have so much more than others. But people don't give up things anymore for someone else to have a better life. We have more than enough. We can share. We can help. We can give.

Plenty of people devote their time to individual change. We work on daily affirmations that help us find peace. We ask for guidance towards love. We ask for health. We ask to have courage to get through difficult times. Yes, it’s very noble and great to work on ourselves. We know how important it is for us to take ownership of what we put out in this world. But if we believe in the power of intention and what it can do for us individually we should also use that power of intention for a global purposes as well. Let’s heal the world. Let’s ask for peace in war torn countries. Let’s ask for health upon all. Let’s hope and pray for all to be happy. Let’s generate compassion to those we do not understand. Let’s give a helping hand to someone we don’t know.  Let's ask for courage in other's to get through difficulties. Let’s manifest global change. I mean it’s a small world now after all. If something as small as the Ebola virus can make it’s intention to cross an ocean come true, we are much bigger than that. We can make a much bigger difference and for everyone, not just ourselves. That’s just a thought. It’s just a little loving intention.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're so pretty and smart.