Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Grateful for today.

I've been working hard on my goals in life. One of which is  act through love and think with love always. Make good choices and set my intentions. I have also meditated for the last two nights before bed and my mind is much more clear before I sleep. I try to pay attention to the little space between my inhaling and exhaling. Apparently you learn a lot in that little space. It is a disciplined task but I'm glad I have put it in my journey.

Today has been a particularly good day but I think it had more to do with my attitude than anything. I tried to smile and laugh during situations. Instead of dwelling and worrying when problems arose I tried to think of how I could make a little difference. When I got something from someone today I felt more grateful. At the end of the day  had more energy to give to my family and I tried to show them my appreciation. I feel it was a positive day. I did not make it to the gym but my heart told me to stay home, drink decaf coffee and eat a piece of chocolate while catching up on some reading. It was a good choice. I also decided that everyday I will write a couple of entries in a gratefulness journal before bed time. Today I have plenty of things to be grateful for.

1. Got a good nights sleep
2. Was busy and super productive at work.
3. Got a beautiful gift today.
4. Made several good connections today.
5. Got a call from an unexpected person and had a nice conversation.
6. Thought I had no more decaf nespresso pods left but turns out I had one more!!!
7. Spent some time with my family and listened to them.
8. Laughed a lot.
9. Was going to do something mean, but stopped myself.
10. Right now, being comfy in my bed and ready for a book.
11. Found out about something kinda sad, but offered and gave assistance.
12. Felt at peace with a situation.
13. Made a good connection with a student that I often struggle connecting with.

Today life feels extremely fulfilling.

I realize we cannot control all the situations in life with intentions. Things happen. There are good times and bad times. However, I deeply want to face all those situations with as much positive force as I can. You can make any situation better. Like I teach my students... in every situation you have two choices... a good choice...and a bad choice. In every situation you can also generate a good feeling or a bad feeling. I don't want to dwell on the negative. So when there are rough days ahead I will try and to remember how one ordinary day became a bit more than that. May peace be with you all.

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