I was doing so well with meditation for a while but it appears I've forgotten how or I've lost the connection. I guess I need to go to Bodhi in order to continue my practice at home. Without, the discipline falls to the wayside. Now I know why the 3 jewels are the center of Buddhist practice. The 3 jewels are... the Buddha. .. Dharma. .. and sangha. One needs an example to look up to hence the Buddha. One also needs some rules of engagement and moral codes which is the dharma. Last, one needs the community of believers that keep you on the same path when you stray, those that are walking the same path as you... that is the sangha. It all makes sense now.
Though im not meditating Eckart Tolle has been on my playlist frequently. He says to listen to the silence, the unmanifested. He says to pay attention to the space between objects just as we are to attend to who we truely are which is the spiritual essence between our mind constructs.
As I am having a hard time sleeping and it's a quiet night I will tend to the quiet and the space... the gap before a thought and see what it's all about. If there are any revelations I'll take note.
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