Wednesday, May 22, 2013

It seems like all I do is eat but that's not true...

Victoria Day long weekend had some decent weather so I went for a bike ride with some friends. I didn't make it to Burn's Bog like we had planned because I wiped out on my bike and hurt my knee but I did take some cool photos of the pretty fauna and flora along the way.

Just some yellow flowers that come from some sort of bush. After taking this picture I started noticing this flower was everywhere.

I loved the randomness of wild grasses. They look like they have a purpose. People who often design underwater gardens work so hard on picking the perfect plants that compliment the look of one another. In nature it just happens. It's beauty without a plan.

Amongst the green there is a small burst of purple.

Vancouver is sooo beautiful. I need to take more Spring photos...

I also met some awesome dogs. There was one dog in particular I couldn't get enough pictures of because he had an endearing trait. Can you tell what it is?

What a cutie.

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