Once in a while I will think about things that have been said to me. One thing that has been said to me was that I wear my heart on my sleeve. This was not given as a compliment but as something to change. However, it wasn't just concerning me, whomever said it to me said that we both wore our hearts on our sleeves and that is a negative thing. I disagreed with him when he said that to me.
The definition on the internet says it's one who shows his or her feelings obviously through their behaviour, good or bad. Also, some people say that those that show their hearts on their sleeves wind up getting hurt more easily, have no self confidence, low self esteem, and are the first to say sorry.
Some people see it as a weakness to not show true emotion. Personally, it's something I have little control over, but I don't think it's a bad thing. Though life is short, wouldn't it be much less special if we only felt half of everything? Even if we hide how we felt from the world, we would still feel the pain the same 100% inside. I don't know any other way than to cry them out or to laugh them out. I think it's worse to repress them and have them come up later. I'd hate to feel deeply resentful and never know why. I like to understand how I feel. I like feeling what I am feeling. Even bad feelings will go away.
I have been hurt very few times in my life but every time I've been hurt I learned something. I never learned it was bad to express myself. How do people ever get to know you if you don't let them know who you are and how you feel? Anyone who knows me knows I am a passionate person. I love lots of things. I despise a lot of things. When I am grateful for something I let the whole world know. When I am sad I don't keep it inside. What's wrong with that? What's wrong with being honest. I find people have varying degrees for what they consider is honest. I am honest in my own way. I like to be honest to myself and those closest to me. I don't like to hide anything. Why hide from the ones you love? If they care about you, they will accept your feelings and support you. That's what I have done for the ones I love. Those that don't do that for you should not be there anyway.
So maybe sometimes I act a little crazy, maybe sometimes I look like I'm in the depths of despair. It's only because I feel extremely sad. I also act that way because I feel extremely safe to let people know how I feel. There are times when I am estatic. There are moments when I feel like the world is my oyster. People love being around happy and elated people. During these times in your life wearing your heart on your sleeve is not a problem.People love you! There is a duality in everything we do, even in how people react to and judge truth. When it's a good truth, keep the truth coming, when it's a bad truth they want nothing to do with it. The truth is great and the truth hurts. Maybe they have not faced their own truths. Maybe they have a problem with bad feelings because they have hidden so many within themselves that they can't stand being around someone who shows them. I will never critize or be angry at myself for putting my heart on my sleeve, whether it was a good or bad situation. I may regret some of the actions I took in the past during the heat of emotion but that is the past. There is nothing you can do about it. I know no matter what emotions I go through in life, no matter how shitty I feel in a moment, that moment will pass and I will go back to being me. So what's wrong with putting your heart on your sleeve? Leave your heart there. It's your heart. You can put it anywhere you want as long as you take responsibility for it.
I don't think people who wear their hearts on their sleeve are hurt more easily, have no confidence, have low self esteem. I think they are brave enough to go deep. They are brave enough to be honest and truthful. Not everyone can look inside themselves and understand how they truly feel. Everyone has room for improvement but it's really important to look at things you really love about yourself and what makes you you. Don't let anyone tell you something about you needs to fixed, only you should be able to make that decision.
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