Thursday, December 31, 2015

Happy New Year

2015 will soon be the past. The next few hours are what's left of a beautiful year. This year has been an incredible year of growth and learning. 

Tonight I choose to celebrate the New Year alone. I chose to be with me, in solitude and in peace. In my heart, I feel immense contentment. I feel this transition is sacred. I am looking forward to the new year, new beginnings and more adventures, more tales to share and more love in this world. 

We never know what is around the corner. We never know what obstacles we will face and what boundaries we will break. We don't know what plain looking doors lead to great discoveries. 

When the clock strikes midnight I will let go of all the experiences of 2015. I won't compare them to the new, i won't let them hold me back and I won't cling on to them for comfort. I will forgive all the things I did not accomplish, forgive all those that have hurt me and give a moment of gratitude to all that I have recieved and all that I have learned. 

I will not carry the past into what's coming next. I wish happiness and health to all, to everyone, even to those I am fearful of and those who did not show love to me. Instead, I wish for the world and everyone in it to heal themselves. I wish for the world to become a more compassionate and loving home. 

This is what my wish is. 

For now, 

Thank you 2015. Can't wait to see what's around the corner.