Sunday, January 19, 2014

New Schedule.

So I have made a schedule for all the physical things I'm supposed to accomplish during the week if work does not get in the way or important social events.   The times are when I start and get home... My dinners will be the only challenge and exhaustion.

Monday: Zumba and steam room     Done work at 5:00       Gym from 5:30 - 7:30

Tuesday: Meditation begins at  Done work at 5:30      Gym from  6:30 - 9:00

Wednesday: Pound or Zumba and steam room   Done work at 5:30     Gym from 6:30-8:30

Thursday: Zumba and Yoga or weights  Done work at 5:30    Gym from 6:15  - 8:15

Friday: If I have nothing to do I should go do some weights.   Done work at 2:30    Gym from  3:00-5:00

Saturday: Nothing. (If I do a physical activity, pick an outdoor activity)  DAY OFF!!!

Sunday: Weights and steam room.         Random

So I have to make dinner for Monday to Thursday... I guess I need to start thinking.

Now I have to find room for reading. I don't know if I'll be able to do all this. If I do it all I must plan all my meals before hand and like have very little time at home...

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Eating healthier...

Food is either your medicine or your poison.

Words to remember to motivate me when I make food choices.

Friday, January 10, 2014


Do you ever wonder why you are thrown together with the people who are in your life now?
These people who challenge you, push you, calm you, relax you and love you are people that have been chosen to be with you in the same time and place. At a moment's notice they can disappear. At a moment's notice they can appear. With each and everyone of them a connection is clear.

Though I read somewhere recently asking why you have met with certain circumstances is a very debilitating  question. Instead, we should ask what. As Why forces us to be victims and forces to stay in the past or forces us to surrender to circumstances as slaves where as what gives us a opportunity to move forward from what we have experienced.

So every time I start thinking of Why... I am going to switch my thoughts to What.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Some progress with my goals

I registered for a mindfulness class in the Kits community center. I'd like to take more classes but I need to make time for the gym so I can be healthy.

Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays need to be gym days as my Tuesday is now taken. Maybe i'll do double class for pound on Wednesday to make up for it. My weekend can be a free for all.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

New Years resolutions...

Ok... I have refined my new years resolutions..

1) Lose some weight: when I reach my visible goal (will not weight myself) I will by myself a new phone. Within this goal is exercising and eating better

2)  Continue to work on my spiritual growth. This year I will take one course on spiritual growth (at least), read more books and try to do some meditation or find a way to center myself in the moment.

3) Meet new people and make new friends.

4) Follow my heart to enjoy what this city has to offer.

5) Save money...

In other words, I'd like to balance my life more. Balance requires maintenance!