Monday, April 26, 2010

Veggie chicken nuggets

So today after I got home from the gym I started on making my lunch for the next day. I wanted to make something healthy but something different. I was at the grocery store earlier and wanted nothing more than to buy some chicken nuggets. However as I am trying to eat as healthy as possible I decided not to buy any of the chicken nuggets at the store because they all had ingredients in it that I couldn't pronounce. Jamie Oliver! You changed my life! So I decided to make my own chicken nuggets. I wanted to make sure they were healthier than usual so I decided to add vegetables in them.

Ingredients list:

2 chicken breasts cubed ground
1 clove of garlic
1 head of broccoli ground
1 cup of carrots ground
1/2 small onion
salt pepper
2 eggs (less one yolk)
2 teaspoons mustard
1/2 cup flour (add more for desired consistency)
all these ingredients blended together until the consistency of thick oatmeal

1 1/2 cups of flour
1 teaspoon cayenne pepper
salt and pepper
coat chicken strip sized pieces in flour mixture

Heat in 425 F for 30 minutes.
turn over half way through

I think if I added some orange juice to the chicken with some orange zest it would taste much better. Plus for the coating next time I would use bread crumbs.

So far I like this recipe and I will try others such as spinach nuggets with flour and egg coated in breadcrumbs or Kellogg flakes. Just some ideas for now.

April 26th

Breakfast: yogurt with blueberries walnuts and agave nectar
Tea with milk and stevia

Snack: carrot sticks

Lunch: fried brown rice with egg, mushroom and kale

Snack: cabbage with lemon and olive oil

Dinner: rice noodles with cabbage. Tasted a chicken nugget that I made for lunch and a cup of tomatoes.

Missing my red today. Maybe I'll go out and buy some tomatoes or grab some reddish fruit.

*** still have spent no money today and actually trying to figure out how to make more money. Goal: 35 grand extra a year. Will I do this with the stock market? If so I need to take a course. I will put some money into RRSP's and mutual funds too. Another idea that my friend gave me was real estate. If I sell a grand home, I'll make a hefty commission. Easily 35 thousand on a 1 million dollar home. Wow... that sounds nice and easy doesn't it? But first gotta figure out how to make money without having to get off my ass... I will at least make a bit more money this year by doing absolutely nothing compared to last year. Let's make it a goal to make at least 35 thous more than I am making now within the next 3 years. I know that's a high number but if I don't dream high, then what's the point. In fact, maybe that is actually low. :) If I don't succeed I'll just try again. However as I'm ordering from the universe right now, there is no way I won't succeed.

Ahh and tomorrow I assume I am gonna have a rough day but I've decided I will change my mind on that and it will actually be extremely positive and if not I will try not to internalize the negative emotions and circumstances of others. Be mindful. Off to work again. Toodles.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Woah 4 years later...

Recently I've been feeling a bit down and out. This year, after I had turned 30, ironically I had felt wonderful. "Thirty isn't' so bad" I told myself. I had a wonderful birthday party and throughout the year I was having a lot of fun. I loved my job. I loved my friends. I was happy with myself. Of course there were things that I would have liked to improved on such as loosing weight and finding a boyfriend but I didn't feel like my life was in the pits. It was great. I also didn't feel like I was aging at all. Either I was having too much fun to notice or at some point in time the aging process was so rapid that it just knocked the wind out of me. Starting a couple of months ago I noticed wrinkles on my face, and other parts of my body had begun to change and it was just a nasty realization that I am truly aging. What a scary thought. I"m morphing into another me. Of course I had frantically ran out to get anti wrinkle treatments and had started justify ideas of Botox and plastic surgery to myself. Apparently everyone does it.

All these feelings that are emerging from me right now made me want to start a blog. Then I remembered that once upon a time I had one. I went to see if it still existed and low and behold it's still here and funny enough I'm still trying to track my food and stay healthy though I have fallen off the wagon too many times to count. Though let's just say that in the last 4 years certain things have become obvious to me. 1) I can't stay on a diet to save my life. 2) I can't live a low carb life style. 3) I CAN go to the gym regularly but if I go on vacation for any period of time, good luck trying to drag me back to the gym when I get home. 4) Vancouver has too much good food.

My newest thing now is to just try everyday to be healthy. I have a daily goal of eating 5 colors of fruits and veggies within the day and drinking at least 1 glass off water. I still try to have as little sugar as possible but I don't make myself feel bad if I eat rice or noodles. I am Asian after all! Let's see how far we get this time with this healthy blog.

Also, from today on, this blog will just be about anything, not ONLY about being healthy because that would be a bore for anyone reading this, which is unlikely anyhow, but I like to entertain myself too.

So here's the blog to my journey into a midlife crisis at 30 and counting. What wonders of aging are out there for me to discover?