Saturday, August 22, 2015

Summer time

I love summer time. We had the hottest summer ever in Vancouver. In fact, it was so hot I refused to leave the house if i didn't have to for about 2 weeks. 

Just some updates. This year was pretty interesting. I had a very fruitful early winter. Going into spring there were many weddings to attend and many friends to see. I went to Kelowna for a wedding too and it was nice to leave the city for a bit. I also put a down payment on a condo so my life style has changed a bit. 

There have been some additions and substractions in my personal life. Things always keep changing. Never know what's around the corner. That's a good thing though. Things only change to teach you. Things are only removed so you can grow. You only obtain the things that belong to you to begin with. Yet nothing will ever stay the same. 

I did end up going to the 8.5 day meditation retreat. I think it has really changed me. I continue to attend group meditations and events there. I keep experiencing things I can't explain. It's an exciting journey. Everything in life happens for a reason. Just don't question life. It's working for you as long as you slow down for a moment and listen to it whisper to you. In every moment we get a choice. We can choose consciously or blindly. Either way we keep getting what we ask for whether be feel that way or not. 

I am always feeling grateful now. So grateful. Try giving thanks everyday. Most of us have everything we need. We don't have to make life so complicated and so disatisfying. Do you complain more than you cherish? Is there always something that you think is wrong with your life? I try and spend my time thinking of all the things right with my world. I try not to be attached to outcomes and be open to changes in life. I also try to not expect anything from others. I let go of the control a little bit and you know what? It feels pretty good. At the end of the day you can look back at your life and think of everything that you don't like about it or you can just look at right now and think of how to make it better. Now. 

Peace and love. 

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