Monday, April 26, 2010

April 26th

Breakfast: yogurt with blueberries walnuts and agave nectar
Tea with milk and stevia

Snack: carrot sticks

Lunch: fried brown rice with egg, mushroom and kale

Snack: cabbage with lemon and olive oil

Dinner: rice noodles with cabbage. Tasted a chicken nugget that I made for lunch and a cup of tomatoes.

Missing my red today. Maybe I'll go out and buy some tomatoes or grab some reddish fruit.

*** still have spent no money today and actually trying to figure out how to make more money. Goal: 35 grand extra a year. Will I do this with the stock market? If so I need to take a course. I will put some money into RRSP's and mutual funds too. Another idea that my friend gave me was real estate. If I sell a grand home, I'll make a hefty commission. Easily 35 thousand on a 1 million dollar home. Wow... that sounds nice and easy doesn't it? But first gotta figure out how to make money without having to get off my ass... I will at least make a bit more money this year by doing absolutely nothing compared to last year. Let's make it a goal to make at least 35 thous more than I am making now within the next 3 years. I know that's a high number but if I don't dream high, then what's the point. In fact, maybe that is actually low. :) If I don't succeed I'll just try again. However as I'm ordering from the universe right now, there is no way I won't succeed.

Ahh and tomorrow I assume I am gonna have a rough day but I've decided I will change my mind on that and it will actually be extremely positive and if not I will try not to internalize the negative emotions and circumstances of others. Be mindful. Off to work again. Toodles.

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