Sunday, June 16, 2013

Nature walks.

I have a new goal. Last couple of weeks I've been focusing on meditation and finding peace within. I went to the Bohdi Meditation Center in Richmond and joined them for their group meditation. It was an interesting experience. I started to meditate at home more regularly. I wanted to make it a weekly thing, joining the group meditation that is, but the weather outside called me to explore the outdoors. So for the rest of summer I will meditate at home and so as many nature walks as I can. I find that being out in nature makes me feel so good and peaceful. I love it. Here are the places I went to this week.

This is my mini bouquet that I made out in a park in Kits. Looks pretty good I think!

West Dyke Trail in Richmond.

Some pretty flowers by the bank.

Another shot of West Dyke Trail.

The underside of a fern was facing up during a walk in a trail by Kerr and Marine Dr. I love the contrast and order.

I think these little berries look like Chinese lanterns hanging.

Little berries. Don't eat these.

A tree by Oak Street.

Q.E. park.

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